Working in the spiritual sector for over 30 years, I have been blessed with assisting 1000’s of people in that space. Tarot readings are often fun, and a lot of clarity, insight and direction can be obtained. Sometimes though, during a deep dive into tarot with me, limiting beliefs, pain, hurt and a myriad of overwhelming feelings can be discovered that clients didn’t even know was there. All things that can be worked with and all very healing in the big scheme of things.
To help people dive deep, to discover and experience true freedom is something I am extremely passionate about. This is what led me to achieving my
qualifications in counselling, hypnotherapy, mindfulness, mental health, TRTP® (The Richards Trauma Process) , NLP and ECT® (Emotional Change Technique).
I love working with TRTP® as a stand alone modality purely because the process does not re-traumatise. That in, and of itself, is what makes TRTP® so unique. I have had clients experience profound results with the TRTP® process alone. One client had been experiencing OCD and anxiety since she was 7 years old (over 25years) After a complete TRTP process her OCD and anxiety had been resolved.
ECT® is a whole other level. It is fast and effective. Many clients have experienced extraordinary outcomes in as little as one session! Seriously! One session – still blows my mind!
Some of my clients like to experience a range of my services such my unique blend of tarot and TRTP®, Counselling, ECT®, Hypnotic Relaxation and Mindfulness. Truly beautiful, deep, gentle and very effective experiences. I love to help my clients become clear and discover what their own unique blend of assistance might look, sound and feel like, so that they too can experience their best lives.
And how wonderful would it be, to know now and discover your best life?
You know you want to discover your best life, don’t you?
Love Life Big
As a qualified professional, Lu is member of the ACA – Australian Counselling Association.
The Australian Counselling Association (ACA) is the largest peak body for Counsellors and Psychotherapists in Australia.
ACA is Australia’s largest single registration body for Counsellors and Psychotherapists with over 9,000 members. ACA serves a crucial role in advocating and advancing the profession of counselling and psychotherapy.
Sometimes, the impact from trauma and stress can have you feeling fragmented from within. Lu helps you to experience and lovingly accept and integrate those fragmented parts, so you can experience wholeness and harmony in your brain, body, mind and nervous system. Lu takes a flexible approach to therapy and provides you with direction and guidance to help you obtain more out of life and your relationships. Her services are aimed at providing you with the support and skills you need to restore and maintain your sense of well-being.
TRTP - The Richards Trauma Process
TRTP is an eclectic group of therapies that help resolve emotional distress and trauma. It is elegantly simple, yet comprehensive. It is a specifically dissociated designed step-by-step process that can help resolves even extreme trauma and trauma related issues – PTSD, anxiety, depression, fears and phobias, etc. It achieves results quickly, effectively, safely and generally in 3 sessions, without re-traumatising as you do not need to tell your story all over again and is drug free.
Prior to commencing with TRTP, Lu will have an in-depth conversation with you to ensure TRTP is an appropriate treatment for you.
ECT – Emotional Change Technique
This is an associated process that is specifically designed to assist in releasing unwarranted or extreme emotions from you body-mind, thereby allowing you to assign new meaning and or understanding to your circumstance or situation.
NLP – Neuro Linguistic Programming
Looks at how you communicate with yourself and others and how this then impacts your thoughts and affect your behaviours. Through a series of varies techniques, NLP and ECT can provide fast and effective change. Typically, they are used to help you identify and change your limiting beliefs and unwarranted emotions, to move you from a stuck position into flow.
Hypnotic Relaxation
A beautiful process that helps you to relax and let go of stressors. As a qualified clinical hypnotherapist Lu will guide you into a deep state of relaxation and focused attention, encouraging, inviting and allowing you to be more open to suggestions to making healthful and helpful changes in your perceptions, sensations, emotions, memories, thoughts or behaviours.
Mindfulness means paying full attention to something, in a particular and intentional way. It is living in the present moment. It is a type of meditation in which you are intensely aware of what you are experiencing in the present moment without judgement or interpretation.
There are various types of mindfulness practices including but not limited to:
Mindful eating
Body scan meditation
Sitting meditation
Walking meditation
Evidence supports the effectiveness of meditation for various conditions, including:
High blood pressure (hypertension)
Meditation can help you experience thoughts and emotions with greater balance and acceptance. Meditation also has been shown to:
Improve attention
Decrease burnout
Improve overall health
Improve sleep