Exclusive group training for Readers, Therapists, Coaches, Healers, Intuitives and inspired people ready to combine the world of therapy and tarot!
Combining both Traditional and Holistic approaches (in this case Tarot) in a therapy setting is much more feasible than one may think AND it is proving to be growing in popularity.
Did you know that tarot has deep roots in psychological applications? For one example of this, we only need to look to the work of Psychoanalyst Carl Jung and his expression with Architypes using the Major Arcana and his application to the theory of the Hero’s Journey, to see that tarot definitely has a place in the therapy room.
Traditional therapy focuses on:
Mental well being
Past experiences
Childhood issues
Tarot in a therapeutic setting focuses on:
Spiritual well-being
Present experiences
Emotional implications
Tarot has a depth and a breadth to it – both light and shadow. It can help clients to externalise what is happening to, through and for them and is fast becoming a psychological tool of choice.
One of the core challenges Therapists have, is knowing that when they work with someone, that they are going to be able to help the client facilitate their own growth and get to the bottom of the underlying issues, so they can be presented for resolution. The reality is that quite often the client themselves are often unaware of some of their underlying issues and limiting beliefs and in some cases, can be reluctant to disclose any real depth of what is happening for them until a significant amount of time and trust has been built. The utilisation of tarot in this setting can cut to the chase and get the real issues on the table and open dialogue in as little as 20minutes!
When I work with people 1:1 with tarot and business the investment starts at $8,500! I know that might sound like a lot and believe me when I say it is worth it because you are gaining access to my 40+ years of experience and IP. If you prefer to work and learn 1:1 let’s chat about it and I will tailor the program to suit your needs and goals.
For those that prefer to work and learn in a group environment and want to deepen their level of readings, genuinely reach people and facilitate real change, want to help, uplift and inspire others to be the best version of themselves they can be then the Therapeutically Tarot group mentoring program is for you!
WHAT IS THE Therapeutically Tarot Journey?
This is an exclusive 8 week in zoom program to help you deepen your knowledge of tarot and how to apply it in a therapeutic setting.
The Therapeutically Tarot Journey is an affordable yet IMPACTFUL 8-week journey combining each KEY tool that you NEED, to deepen and algin your connection to your cards, easily recognise clients’ distresses, apply tarot as a psychological tool and create success with Tarot in your life and business in a therapy setting!
If you have ever experienced any of my content or been to any of my events, or had a reading done by me, you will know that I am a big believer in COMMITING to high performance and offering you raw, true and honest connections in all areas of life in order to reach your FULL POTENTIAL! You will also know that I am extremely passionate about all things Tarot and love to share my insights and deep knowledge.

What will you learn:
A simple yet effective way to deepen your tarot knowledge
Simple strategies to utilize when working with your cards
Understanding of Archetypes utilising the Major Arcana
Understanding of Client emotion utilising the Minor Arcana
How to apply Tarot using various therapy applications
Tarot from a journalling and story telling perspective as it relates to a therapeutic setting
Specific spreads and how to ask “better” questions
How to measure client connection, engagement and transformation
What does it include:
8 x Weekly 2-hour Group Calls with me via Zoom: Each call will have a designated topic, a Q and A session + introduction for the next week. Each week you will be provided with practical experiences where you will participate in group activities and partnership exercises via breakout rooms.
SO, if you are ready to immerse yourself and dive deep into energetics of the World of Tarot in a therapeutic setting and positively change someone’s world for the better, facilitate client break throughs and even save someone’s life Then let's GO!
How this Program will change your life:
Deepen and enhance sessions with your clients
Help you to quickly get to the guts of what’s going on for your clients
Bring forth dormant and hidden aspects of your clients
Explore what has been holding your clients back
Show your clients the way forward sharing their unique story
Help clients to discover and uncover their truth, needs and desires.
The investment for this level of Tarot:
Normally, for a program of this calibre, I would be offering it for $6600.
To coincide with my website launch I am offering the program for a total of $2500 for a short period of time.
A minimum $200 Deposit is required now to secure your place!