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Writer's pictureLulu Fletcher

What is Spiritual Awakening Anyway?

What is Spiritual Awakening? What do people mean when they say that? The truth is, that it is different for everyone. AND, is it something that is all rainbows and butterflies? Is it where you sit on the edge of the couch and meditate, hug trees, peace out and suddenly become enlightened? I think not. FUCK NO!! To me it can be like being stabbed with a unicorns horn that will combustulate your chakra system throw you into another dimension and have you wake up saying... WTF was that? Curse at the Universe and scream "I did not ask for that!" ..... And yet you did. You did ask for that. WHAT? No way!! Yes way.

spiritual awakening

Here is my take on it:

Something usually happens for us before we start to make the changes we need to make to live a more aligned or more spiritual life. I have had several spiritual awakenings this life time alone. Each one different in its potency and each one delivering different messages and levels of awakening. What this has taught me is that our spiritual development can be a bit like unveiling one layer at a time. Hahaha funny this just happened as I sit here and write this blog about Spiritual Awakening....just checked my phone, guess what time is was????? Yep 11:11am, bloody hilarious! I am pretty sure my Guides enjoy these types of moments - I know I do - they let me know that I am on track and headed in my right direction.

Anyway, back to what I was saying... Life happens, things change and all happens for our greatest good - definitely doesn't feel like that at first. Our Guides and our higher self is always talking to us, leading, guiding and sending messages. Now, we will either act upon them or we will not. Rest assured though, if we continue to NOT act upon the ideas and inspirations that we are being sent, two things happen.

1. Those ideas, messages and inspirations stop coming. Think about it, why would someone want to continue to help you reach the highest version of yourself if you are not listening? You would stop sharing those ideas too. It doesn't mean that our Guides or our higher self have abandon us, no. It is ourselves and our physical minds that have abandoned us. Our physical minds think they know better - they do not - they do like to tell us BS stories though - that, they are very good at doing. It is these BS stories that tend to lead us up the garden path of self destruction. Then, what does happen is our higher minds (higher self) and our Guides get ready to watch us do things the hard way and poke and prod us in the direction that we need to head in. So yes, we did ask for that! Either way, listening to our Guides and our higher mind/higher self or choosing to take the path of self destruction, one thing is for sure and that is that we are going to evolve and awaken anyway.

2. When we do not ACT upon our joy and what lights us up, we become unaligned and life starts to get hard. It is about the energy and intention that we create that creates life for us - good, bad or otherwise. Upon reflection, we realise that, yes, it was better that those things happened because if they hadn't happened we wouldn't have met that person, received that opportunity, or had that incredible idea that led to financial success.

Spiritual awakening can be easier at times, yes, and let's face it, would you have bedded down and learned those much needed lessons for your own evolution if awakening was always easy? No, I do not think you would have. I know I wouldn't have. I am grateful for everything and every hard lesson and heart ache that has led to my continuous evolution.

What I have learned about Spiritual Awakenings is that once you truly learn the lessons, you feel like a whole other person. Your mind, they way it thinks, what matters, who matters, what you do and do not do or tolerate changes effortlessly. It simply becomes your new way of being - and it feels good. Doesn't mean that it hasn't hurt or that you haven't lost things and people along the way because I have no doubt that you did loose those things and people along the way and yet, when all is said and done, I have no doubt that life has improved and you feel better about you and what you are doing.

Spiritual awakening certainly offers change and a new way of living life that is for sure. I believe that it is the spiritual practices that become a way of life that are helpful in times of the next level of awakening. For me personally, it was the combination of understanding and embracing my physical human and my spiritual practices that got me through each evolution. It becomes a life style choice. Here are some of the things I believe help to evolve and help us as we are evolving.

  • Daily meditation - mindfulness - being in the moment

  • Daily gratitude journaling - helps out mindset focus on positive

  • Journaling your thoughts about the life you would love to life

  • Listening to a positive inspirational music

  • Following and listening to positive people on social media and podcasts

  • Practice of non-judgement

  • Nurturing your physical body with nourishing foods and restorative exercise practices

  • Understanding and working with your charka system and energy body

  • Regularly cleansing your energy and your environment (this includes your mind)

  • Become mindful of your thoughts and feelings because they are creating your future

A couple of great questions to ask yourself on a daily basis are:

  1. What have I FELT into being today?

  2. What am I pretending NOT to know?

Remember, we can only meet people at their level of consciousness and we can only be met at our own level of consciousness. As we evolve our frequencies, our level of vibrations change and this means that the level of frequencies that enter our lives change, this includes the ideas, inspirations and insights that are now available to us. This changing and evolving is the name of the game - with one caveat - some souls, as part of their evolution have chosen to stay at a certain level this lifetime. The name of the game for choices such as these - is acceptance of that souls choice. You do you Boo

Love Life Big

Big love



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