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The World Card

Reading Tarot for as long as I have, I have often had clients from various places around the world including – the UK, New Zealand and of course all over Australia. In the last 12 months, my reach has grown exponentially. I now have clients in Mexico, Hawaii and the USA. I find this really exciting. The biggest challenge is working with the different time zones.

The World Tart Card

To celebrate my expansion, I wanted to do 2 things

1. Share some of my knowledge of the Tarot World Card

2. Extend a special limited offer to you in celebration of my clients’ world wide

The World Card

The ruling planet is Saturn and the Element is Earth

The World card in the tarot is the last major arcana card in the deck. This can mean that there will be a closure or an ending to something – like a project or a cycle. It is the pause before the next thing. The world card speaks into wholeness, unity and achievement. It can represent the wisdom gained due to the journey we have undertaken throughout life, a journey that saw her transition from the Fool into the World Dancer. Personally, I love the partially naked woman on the Rider Waite Smith Deck – to me she symbolises freedom. She is known as the world dancer and I love to dance, anytime, anywhere!! So, the world dancer for me is about a time to celebrate – notice, she holds a wand in each hand? This is significant because it represents that she has taken her wisdom, learnings and adventure she has experienced throughout her life and allowed these things to be the balance (I prefer the word harmony) she has embodied in her life. Now it is also interesting to note here, that on the II of Wands card itself, you see a person holding the world in the palm of their hand and there are also 2 wands on the card.

The World card can also be about being on the world stage – so recognition! Or time to step up onto centre stage and show the world what you can do.

Of course, the meaning will also change in regards to the intention you set for the reading. A lovers spread will provide different context to a career reading for example.

The energies of the World card in a reading are asking us to ponder some of these questions:

  • Am I showing up as my whole self?

  • Where do I need to step up?

  • Am acknowledging my recognition?

  • What is coming to a close?

A question I often ask myself is "Where has my world changed?" AND "is this in alignment for me?"

Now for my Special Limited Time Offer 😊

Special Limited Time Offer

Sign up this month for a 3-month membership, pay $75 AUD in total and receive a tarot and oracle card combination reading once a month for 3 months.

This offer is normally valued at $150 and I am offering this for this month only for $75

That’s 3 x 20min oracle and tarot card combination readings for $75AUD

How to access this offer:

1. Ensure you are a member of Soulful Awakenings Hub

2. Payment can be made via here:

3. Connect through the Facebook group to receive your first reading

Look forward to connecting with you!

Thank you for your continued support

Much Gratitude

Love Life Big

Big love

Lu xo

Lulu's Blog

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