Crystals and Tarot cards go together beautifully and work well together. Crystals can be used in different ways to enhance your Tarot readings. You can use any crystal you feel drawn to. Some people are really sensitive to crystals and some people are not. You may find that you need to work with them for a while before you can feel the benefits. Do not become disillusioned if you don’t feel any benefit at all, it just may be that crystals are not for you and that’s OK.
TIP: Place a crystal on top of your deck while you aren’t using it – this will clear your deck of any negative or confused energies
Amethyst has historic associations with wisdom, and is also often used in dream work. Brings balance to thinking by combining head and gut. Amethyst is especially good for people whose focus with tarot is in dreams, self-exploration, visualisation or intuition. Using this stone during a reading may help you to find or identify the spiritual purpose of the situation.
Black Tourmaline
A fantastic grounding stone that has wonderful protection qualities. It will protect against negative energies and it has a powerful calming effect and can bring a positive feeling to situations. If your client is feeling ungrounded or upset, have them hold this stone while you read for them. Meditate with this crystal before you read to ground any negativity or nerves.
Smokey Quartz
Smokey quartz carries earth energy and as such is a great grounding stone. It is wonderful for creating protective barriers around things. It is a practical stone that assists with clear interpretation. It is well known for balancing feminine and masculine energy
Rose Quartz
This precious stone is well known for helping with matters of love and friendship. It is associated with the heart chakra. When using with the Tarot it helps to tap into our empathic side, so it is great for increasing sensitivity and also allows us to feel our own feelings. It brings a soft calming energy and helps others open up emotionally. A great stone for self-love. Meditate with it to connect more powerfully to your heart centre. Rose quartz is a particularly healing stone when it comes to dealing with heartbreak. It can also cause one to feel teary.
Clear Quartz This is the go-to crystal that can be used for almost anything. Use it to cleanse your Tarot cards by placing it on top of your deck. It amplifies energy and intention, making it the perfect crystal to use for manifesting. Place Quartz crystals around your Tarot reading space to clear the energy or hold a small quartz crystal in one hand as you do a Tarot reading – this will sharpen your psychic abilities and keep your mind clear and focused.
Crystals and the Major Arcana
Just as there are different Tarot card meanings, crystal attributes are multi-faceted. Therefore, it is a good idea to make your own personal interpretations between the Major Arcana and crystals; that is how they work best and which ones work best together for you.
The Fool New beginning, journey, adventure, trust in the universe, wonder, joy, change Lepidolite, Tourmaline, Agate, Turquoise
The Magician Master to the trade, trixter, concentration, conscious mind, expansion, creative initiative, opportunities Quartz, Citrine, Agate, Tiger’s eye, Garnet
The High Priestess Inner knowledge, intuition, secrets, esoteric knowledge Moonstone, Pearl, Aquamarine, Lapis Lazuli, Labradorite
The Empress Sensuality, motherhood, fertility, nurturing, love, abundance, comfort Emerald, Rose quartz, Carnelian, Turquoise, Aventurine
The Emperor Order, uniform, government, stability, protection, confidence, power, material success Ruby, Carnelian, Topaz, Red jasper, Emerald
The Hierophant Knowledge, clarity, guidance, spiritual meaning Topaz, Carnelian, Lapis Lazuli, Citrine, Turquoise
The Lovers Love, relationship, partnership, choices, sexuality Agate, Rose quartz, Ruby, Blue topaz
The Chariot Balancing opposing forces, moving forward, control, determination, direction Tiger’s eye, Amber, Howlite
Strength Strength, discipline, personal power, courage, focus Cat’s eye, Topaz, Tiger’s eye, Citrine, , Garnet
The Hermit Self-knowledge, finding one’s way, inner workings, spiritual clarity, discrimination Peridot , Bloodstone, Smoky quartz, Sapphire, Blue calcite, Blue tourmaline
The Wheel of Fortune Cycles, a new chapter, accepting change, luck, fortune, Jade, Lapis Lazuli, Sapphire, Aventurine, Amethyst, Rhodonite
Justice Balance, evaluation, truth, reason, logic, legal matters Emerald, Jade, Bloodstone, Carnelian
The Hanged Man A new viewpoint, altered consciousness, sacrifice, release Aquamarine, Green calcite, Moss agate, Sodalite
Death Transformation, change, completion, letting go Bloodstone, Obsidian, Black tourmaline, Amber
Temperance Balance, cooperation, compromise, harmony, tranquillity Sardonyx, Amethyst, Kunzite
The Devil The shadow self, facing fears, inhibitions, abolishment of blocked feelings, unhealthy relationship, mental health concerns Black onyx, Obsidian, Jet, Hematite, Pyrite, Black tourmaline
The Tower Confronting one’s truth, enlightenment, release of outdated ideas and beliefs, liberation, change, destruction Garnet, Ruby, Obsidian, Magnetite, Hematite
The Star Hope, renewal, peace, clarity, aspiration, optimism, sense of purpose Turquoise, Moldavite, Tektite, Sugulite
The Moon Illusion, confusion, dreams, working with the unconscious, intuition, meditation Moonstone, Pearl, Labradorite, Pyrite, Selenite
The Sun Confidence, optimism, re-integration, vibrancy, creativity, energy Amber, Diamond, Bloodstone, Sunstone, Tiger’s eye
Judgement Re-evaluation, summing up, perspective, transformation, awakening, karma Fire opal, Malachite, Amethyst, Fluorite, Hawk’s eye
The World Accomplishment, fulfilment, completion of a phase in life, preparation for new phase, realisation of Self Lapis Lazuli, Onyx, Jet, Turquoise, Opal, Kunzite, Rhyolite
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