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Oracle and Tarot together

Can oracle and tarot cards be used together? Yes absolutely!

Do oracle and tarot cards support each other? Yes absolutely!

They can be used together for clarification and one can enhance the others message.

Many readers combine or add oracle cards to a tarot reading.

For me, typically I use them both in my meditation circles as two separate practices - so the each attendee receives two messages. Sometimes these messages combine together and sometimes they do not.

The card ritual I offer in meditation circle is for each attendee to draw both a tarot and an oracle card. The tarot card is offered at the commencement of the circle and the oracle card is offered just before closing the circle. In the middle there is a discussion about the energies and the planets, as well as a guided meditation and the sharing of messages or practicing of spiritual gifts.

Even though the tarot and the oracle cards have been drawn separately from each other and at different times during the circle, as a group we can find that the messages received from the cards are often a continuation of each other or may complement each other in some way. Now in relation to the energy discussion, sometimes the cards might relate to the discussion but rarely. What we have come to notice with the cards was that the messages were very personal for each individual participant rather than anything to do with the energy readings - nothing really new here right?

Well, in our most recent circle we found that the cards drawn and messages received for each participant did matched the energy and planet discussion! What we also noticed was that the cards drawn for each participant were not only an extension of each other, we found the messages received from both cards were almost the same as each other. It is common for the cards drawn to have a connection to each other and to offer similar themes but it has been rare for both the oracle and the tarot to say almost the exact same thing. Something was definitely lining up that night. It is one thing for this to happen to one participant but it happened for all of us and that is what made this night unique and special. As I so often say "You can't make this shit up!"

Tarot cards

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Lu xo


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