As I sit at my key board and write this blog, with the question in mind "How do we know what the world needs now?" I am reminded of a story or rather an experience about requests and energy distributions on intentions that I'd like to share.
It was the early 2000's and a very dear friend of mine - who is a healer, had said that he had a friend who was in hospital who was in need of some healing. Mr friend had notified quite a few other people (who he trusted with energy and intention) about his friend and suggested that we all sit on an allocated day, in our own spaces at the same time and send his friend healing. My friends friend as a healer themselves was very happy to be the recipient. Challenge and opportunity accepted by all!
My friend had also said that he was going to gather information from everyone who was taking part in this opportunity because he wanted to confirm for himself and those involved that this was something that could and would make a difference. I found this exciting because none of us really knew each other or what to expect. So to have a discussion about what we all felt, heard, saw and sensed during the time of the healing was going to be epic! Like checking in to see what everyone else got, compare notes, really test this theory - yep that was exciting!
The day and time arrived to sit intentionally and send healing energies to my friends friend in hospital. This was a visual process. There we all were, sitting in the comfort of our own homes at 7pm on the Thursday night, visualising healing energies reaching my friends friend with the intention to alleviate their pain and to bring some comfort and healing to their auric field and of coursed to their body. Excellent. All very good intentions.
Here is my experience.....
Sitting in my meditation room with candles and incense, focusing my attention on sending healing energies to my friends friend (who I'd never meet or seen by the way). So, as I sit there, the energy feels cluttered to me, I am having trouble visualising - which was not usually an issue for me. All I was getting was that there was a lot of what appeared to be smokey haze in the room, making it near impossible to see or visualise anything. I was a little frustrated. Anyway, after about 10mins of re adjusting, starting over a few times, I decided that what I would do was to simply send light. Love and Light. Surely I couldn't go wrong with doing that. I felt like it was all I could do because, it felt to me, like I just couldn't get into the healing part properly - I was hoping that this wouldn't let my friend down or interfere with his - what felt like an experiment. So that's what I did - I intentionally sent love and light to our subject for about 20minutes. Then released the intention, cleansed me energies and the room, then went about my evening as per usual.
The next week at my meditation circle, my friend arrives and I can hardly wait to hear about what he had discovered and what the other participants have shared with him about their experiences. He asked me about my experience firstly and I shared - feeling like I had let him and his friend down because I couldn't see clearly. Well, he sat there for a moment - just staring quietly and slightly shaking his head.
"What?" I said, "I am so sorry, I just couldn't visualise, the image I was getting was all cloudy - like a smoke filled room"
Well, my friend went on to tell me that his friend had told him that on that Thursday night as they lay on their hospital bed, they felt the intention and the energies moving in and doing their thing. Then after after about 5minutes or so, that the room had suddenly gotten quite smokey and that they could no longer see what, or where the energies were going and that the energies had felt a little confused to her. They had gone on to say that what had happened for them was that they suddenly felt that the energies in the room were very cluttered and that they couldn't see clearly when all of a sudden, they saw a light come through the smokey haze and light up the area around them. They had indicated that at that point, the energies settled and moved in a more intentional way and that they had felt the healing then take place.
All I could think was Fuck Me - this shit is real!!
So, now, back to the question - How do we know what the world needs right now?
Many people will say the world and all its inhabitants need peace right now - and this is true - peace is needed right now - for all of us, and it would be an amazing outcome - However, peace can mean different things to different people. Intention is everything that's for sure and this experience certainly showed me a thing or two - pure intentions aside.
My experience showed me to trust what I was getting, to know that whilst good, honest and pure intentional energy can make miracles happen, sometimes our humanness of where and how we want those energies to be dispersed can cause confusion. You know, the "I am right" parts of our ego. I learned that we definitely need to drop our ego when working with energy intentions and energy distribution.
Sometimes it is best to shine a light so that others can see what is happening and they can then direct the energies to exactly where they need to be, because this is what those Souls are good at. If your part of energy intention is to send peace - you will be able to do that easily and effortlessly. If you are having trouble sending peace - then send light instead. If your part is sending Love and Light - you will be able to do that easily and effortlessly. What I have learned over time is that some of us are the peace keepers and some of us are the light bearers and that sometimes we can do both. At other times, we can only do one at a time. So be guided by your own soul - just as I was. I had no idea at the time - I just knew that it had felt near impossible to send the healing - and the Light had felt easy to do.
When sending energy anywhere - it is important to know the intention ,to feel the intention and to feel into what is right for that moment for your part in the participation and of course the desired outcome. Always be guided by your Soul. At the end of the day - remember Love is truly all there is anyway.
Love Life Big
Lu xo