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Writer's pictureLulu Fletcher

Here's how to HACK those pesky negative thoughts!!

Updated: Apr 20, 2023

We have all heard about the art of manifestation in one way or another right? In its simplest form, this is about focusing on what you would like to have happen or come into your life, setting intentions behind that and adding the feelings of feeling that having had happen already. Yes there is more to it than that and for now, what I am speaking about is it’s most simplest form because it is this most simplest form that most of us do daily without recognising what we are doing and therefore creating!

negative thoughts

Drawing a card for the daily collective card message one day last week and the Queen of Swords showed her face. Now swords are connected to our thoughts, beliefs, ideas and the way in which we communicate. They are also represented by the element of Air. Now the Queen of Swords herself is a very forthright person in how she delivers her message because she tells it straight. She is not someone we would want to cross – she will certainly tell you what she thinks!!

The feeling for the message that day was very much about, as a collective, we needed to use our intellect, make decisions for ourselves, to get clear on where we are headed and what we want as an outcome. Sounds o

k right? Here’s the thing though, often we can get caught in our heads when “thinking” and before we know it, we are hooked onto some thought that doesn’t really serve us. Here is where the danger lies.

When we focus on something and add a feeling (which focusing on will automatically do) we have created a new energy and by that very nature, told the Universe that this is what we want. WHAT!?! Yep, that is exactly what we have done in those moments. Now think about this for a minute…. How often do we do this and don’t even realise or recognise that we are doing this???

This brings me back to the Queen of Swords and her message for that day and a message we can all use every day. Once we recognise that we have gotten hooked onto thoughts that are NOT for our highest intention, NOT serving us or are outdated; here is a little brain hack for you to unhook easily and effortlessly.

Step 1. Lay down if possible (it’s not absolutely necessary though)

Close your eyes

Step 2. Move your eyes from right to left and left to right continuously for about 20- 30 seconds.

Results. What happens is that your brain and mind can no longer engage in those thoughts or at least it finds it very hard to engage whilst doing this – effectively wiping the slate clean, allowing and inviting you to focus on things you would prefer to manifest!

This little hack is also been said to be good for improving your memory recall and increasing your creativity.

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Lu xo

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