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Does Size Matter?

Writer: Lulu FletcherLulu Fletcher

Hahahaha - Got your attention??

Sometime ago I wrote a blog about my connection with dragonflies and how, for me, they represent my brother. Well.... I was minding my own business the other day - hanging out my washing, and thinking about nothing in particular, well what I was thinking about was just how bloody hot it was and that I need to mow my lawn, anyway................ While carrying my empty basket back to the house a teeny tiny dragon fly caught my attention.

I stopped for a moment to admire its beauty and thought about it's size and what that must mean. My thoughts were about my brother and that dragonflies are how he has been communicating we me. Now given the size of this little fella, I took the message to be that my brother wanted me to check in on, or connect with his granddaughter - my great niece.

I was excited and grateful to receive the message and I sent a message to my great niece's muma and told her how I had just seen the teeniest tinest little dragon fly I'd ever seen and that I took it to be my brother saying "hi" and to check in on his granddaughter and a few hours later she replied so beautifully, acknowledging my brother and advising that my great neice was happy and had become quite chatty.

Anyway..... a couple of days later, I'm scrolling through Facebook as you do, and I come across a post that my great niece's mum had just posted announcing that they were having another baby!! So of course I commented and said ... Oh my goodness - this gives new meaning to the teeniest tinest dragonfly I'd ever seen!!

We were catching up for our Christmas celebration that weekend and of course this was one of the subjects of conversation and about how they had been waiting to announce their up coming arrival. Guess my brother got in first - hahaha

During this little festive celebration, I was talking to my daughters about how on the same day I say the baby dragonfly, I had been standing at my gate, saying goodbye to friend who had just come by for a visit. Now, I need to explain here that I was not wearing my glasses - so I wasn't seeing exactly clearly.... anyway - there I am waving good bye to my friend and I see what I think looks like dead grass coming out of the top of my gate post!! Now I gotta tell ya that I am so glad that I did not just reach to grab the "dead grass" and pull it out because as I took a closer look it was actually teeny tiny praying mantises!!! hundreded of them!! Now if that wasn't a message of ... "No dickhead - a new baby is on it's way" I don't know what is!!!! Problem is that this did not sink in for me until after the announcement!!!

baby praying mantis

Here's what I learned from my brothers latest message - Size really does matter!! I mean I knew that sized mattered from one of his earlier messages, and this was next level regarding the size. I sat with this for a moment and realised this .... When we receive a message from our loved ones in spirit - stay with it a little longer - really feel into it - yes take the first initial message , then wait for just a little longer and see what else comes up for you, I have no doubt that if I had done that, I would have gotten the actual message - not just the "time to contact and reach out message" AND I would not have had to witness the baby praying mantis infestitation!! - They were very cute though and I did say "Welcome Earth side little guys" ... but still - serouisly sit with the messages a little longer, that way your loved ones don't have to send another message!! I can hear my brother laughing at me as I write this!

The other thing this has taught me is that my brother is continuing to teach me from beyond the grave.... and I love it!! Thank you Bro - he always did love animals!

baby dragon fly

Love Life Big

Big love

Lu xo

Lulu's Blog

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