There is a lot written about the signs and messages we receive from our loved ones when they pass over. I too have written different blogs and posts about this exact subject. Today, I wanted to share a little story of how sharing how your loved one’s signs with other family members who you may not see very often, can bring some healing and comfort to the family unit as a whole. My mum passed on 4th September 2021 and my nana had passed on 25th October 2021 and then my brother passed on 18th October 2022.
My mind is a little fuzzy as to the exact time my brother showed himself to me. I think it was around December 2022? Anyway, I was in my office working on some content for one of my up coming programs and I heard this commotion in the lounge room. I came out the find my daughter’s cat trying to catch the largest dragon fly I had ever seen. I looked around my home rather perplexed as to how it got inside. I watched it fly around for a bit and then said, “hey, it that you Steve? If it is you, land for me” Almost immediately, it landed on the screen door. “Hello brother” I said – as you do. In my mind now, very clearly – my brother shows himself as a dragonfly. Great!
Outside, days later, I was watering my garden and a baby dragonfly landed beside me. “Do you want me to contact your boy?” I asked. It moved its little wings before taking off, so I went inside and text my nephew – sure enough he had wanted to share something with me. So now I am aware that these dragonflies are definitely my brother’s way of connecting with me. What I learned from my brother in this moment was that the size of the dragonfly was going to mean something, it would be additional information, like who to connect with or reach out to. Thanks brother x
Fast forward to Easter 2023 and I had organised a family get together with the extended family, including family from both sides of my parent’s line and also my ex-sister-in-law. Now as you might imagine, due to old family patterns and some shitty behaviours, many of those attending had not seen each other for years – many years. Some of the wounds were even fresher for the younger generation as the family dynamic was still at play. I questioned myself as to why I was extending this invitation. I wanted peace, I wanted calm, yet I was almost compelled to do this. I can’t explain it really – it was something I felt I needed to do, something that I felt needed to happen, something that would somehow bring some peace to some of the family and I was the only one who could do it. So, I did.
As family arrived, I watched as they reconnected and I listened as they shared their lives and funny stories of times gone by. Great. Mission accomplished. All went well. Breathe a sigh of relief.
My youngest daughter was standing by the gate and as I went up to her, she pointed out 2 dragonflies flying around together. I chuckled and said to her, “I bet that is your uncle and your nana watching this shindig we’ve got going on here” I actually felt comforted that my daughter had pointed out these dragonflies and was hoping that my mum and brother were happy that the family was together because in life they had both felt somewhat different and would not put up with anyone’s crap, no matter who you were.
Later the same afternoon, I sat chatting with one of my aunts who had been absent from my life for many years. We shared stories and laughed at many things. I opened up to her about my brother and some of the things he had gone through and about the last few weeks he and I had spent together and what our conversations had been about. I shared with her about the dragonfly.
My aunt had not seen my mum, my brother or me for many years as it had been a difficult situation and in this moment of sharing, she had become somewhat overwhelmed. We shared memories of nana and laughed about some of her antics and reminisced about my brother, we even spoke fondly of my mum, even though her and my aunt had not spoken to each other for many years. It was good to be sharing like this.
The next day, I called my aunt as I had wanted to ask her about the tarot deck that nana had given to her and she shared with me about how she had been feeling since our conversation about my brother and we were both checking, in I guess, to make sure each other was ok. It was in this moment that she told me that when she got home, she had had 3 dragonflies in her yard and that she just couldn’t believe it. We chatted about how we thought that they were representing my brother, nana and my mum and that they were all together now and that this was their way of showing us that they had all sorted out their differences and that it was ok that as a family we had reconnected.
How ironic is it that there were 2 dragonflies at my place on that day – I believe that it was my mum and my brother, watching the shindig taking place. I felt that they were both letting me know that they were still around and were also part of the day’s activities. Now I didn’t tell my aunt about these 2 dragonflies until a couple of days later. Then even more incredible, 3 dragonflies flying together at my aunts place the following day!
To me, this was mums, nanas and my brothers was of letting aunty Kay know that they were all ok, all is at it needs to be. I felt that they were trying to reassure my aunty Kay – how ironic that they all showed up as dragonflies though. I really think that this was a huge part of the message – a way of showing that family is family in this case, and all was now healed and forgiven and that my aunt could also release herself and receive some healing too.
The following morning as I was out on my early morning walk – you guessed it, I came across a dragonfly! Hello Brother. This is him below – isn’t he a beauty? This very same day my aunt sends me a photo she took from her back yard – you guessed it – dragonflies!!!
To me, clearly our loved ones in spirit are gathering together and asking the land of the living to do the same for the purpose of healing. This doesn’t mean that we accept poor behaviours, it means that we check where we are at as individuals. What level of consciousness are you coming from? What level of consciousness are others coming from? We can only meet each other where we are at. I believe it is about practicing the art of forgiveness.
Here’s what I have learned: Spirit family can show in the form of the same spirit animal, collectively coming together for reassurance or impact, especially if there is some ancestral or future generational healing that needs to occur. So next time you see a group of spirit animal signs, remember that it could be an indication of other family members also visiting you, it could even be a reminder that family matters and to connect with them.
When all is said and done, we are all cosmic energy that as been compacted into matter, for the purpose of having a human experience and our loved ones have simply returned to the cosmic energy and wholeness. We are all connected and we are all part of the whole. Forgiveness and connection lead to love. And love is all there is at the end of the day.
Love Life Big
Big love