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Connecting with Spirit Guides

Writer's picture: Lulu FletcherLulu Fletcher

Ever had a drive to want to do something? Maybe it started out as an interest, maybe a curiosity even? The next thing you know is that it has become a real passionate drive to get your hands on all the information you can get. Maybe you felt like a sponge during this time? Well, that's how my bigger spiritual journey started out - that is the journey outside of Tarot.

The year was 1992 and I had a once of chance encounter with a little old lady of German decent . I found her quite quirky and somewhat fascinating. I had initially thought that she was going to do a reading for me (you know how I love my readings!) but no, that was not what was happening. After being introduced she just started talking about synchronicities, energies and why flocks of birds seemingly know how to move as a complete unit - that is as if they were only one bird. I found myself rather perplexed, why was this lady talking to me about this stuff?

Yes, I had always been interested in, and fascinated by the paranormal and readings and stuff like that but these topics of conversation were not that, they were not even related- or at least that is what I had thought at the time. Despite what I had thought, her topics had me wanting to know more. "Think about those birds, think about the how and why" she said. That's how she ended her conversation. What a strange little lady I thought. Her words swirling through my head, I felt expanded in some way. Yes, I wanted to know more.

Weren't those birds simply in sync with each other? Was it really anything more than that? I have since learned that this unison of bird movement is called a murmuration. Interesting fact, but I knew that what that little old lady was referring to was more about energy than the anticipation of bird movements. So I set out to learn more about energy. Not long after my encounter with this little old lady, I was having a reading and during this reading the reader says to me - "Oh I can teach you" to which I say "teach me what?" and she replies "everything" Great I think. "Can you teach me the cards?" "Yes" she says. Well she did teach me many many things. A great deal about energy.- never anything the cards though, although she was the one who introduced me to reading in the professional arena.

It was during my time of learning with this teacher that I was introduced to this concept that anyone can connect with their spirit guides. Prior to this, the story I had been telling my self was that you had to be a medium (someone who speaks to those who have passed over) in order to be able to speak with your spirit guides. Nope - that is total BS! Anyone can speak with their spirit guides and once you know how it's not as complex or scary as you may have once conjured up in your mind or maybe that was only me doing the conjuring up!!

For me, it started with white light , unconditional love and daily meditation with the intention to connect firstly to myself through my chakra system and then to connect with and invite in to my space, my spirit guides. Did I get clear precise messages from my guides daily - no, I did not. What I did get over time, was real clear about my own energy. I learned to listen to the subtleties - those little feelings that alluded me towards a sense of knowing and this knowing leading to making certain decisions - like which route to take to work, or to be in a certain place at a certain time - those kinds of things - oh wait.... was this how those bird new when and how to move?

It was in this quite place where I shifted my focus from the outer world to my inner world that I came to trust myself, I learned to listen, really listen and hear what was being shared with me.

At first, I saw images and impressions - like shadows, this moved onto seeing colours and then getting a sense of "knowing" things, having realisations and sudden insights about things. Next, I started to see images, faces, and eyes very clearly. They would be there one second and gone the next, they were fast moving images. I learned that I could call those images back if I need to re-look or re-visit some part of them.

I can still feel the moment when my brain switched permanently from being in a "I need a hand out, victim state of mind" to a "OMG! this feels amazing, I love life and can see beauty everywhere" way of being. I knew, I just knew that no matter what was to unfold in my future, I was going to be better than just ok. All this from spending 10 minutes in meditation daily!! What???

Once that happened, I started to have dreams about watching myself in these dreams. Like there were three of me. One was the participating me, another was the one who was taking directions from a higher version of me and there then there was the even higher version of me. Sometimes in these vivid dreams, I would have a sense that my guides were beside me. How did I know there were there without actually seeing them? By the feeling. I knew what my guides felt like. This is something I strongly suggest that you pay attention to.

Back to the reader who was teaching me "everything". She was a hard task master let me tell you - now, for which I am ever so grateful for. "You will meditate for a least 10mins every day and you will journal your dreams ever night - so I expect to see you weekly with 7 dreams and 7 meditation experiences to talk about and don't give me any crap about not remembering or having enough time" . My thoughts at the time - Jesus, how am I going to make sure I remember my dreams, let alone ensure I dream every night?

I gotta tell ya, this was the absolute best training I ever received! I didn't realise it at the time though. So, did I remember my nightly dreams every morning? Yep, I sure did. Did I meditate for at least 10minutes every day - yes I did. Did it make a difference? Yes it did. Was this the key? The Holy Grail? As I was to learn over time - Fuck yes it was!!

I was being taught so much, and I was absorbing so much. It was real, deep and authentic. It was teaching that I could easily apply to, and incorporate into my daily life. She kept it real - you know - without all the fluff, pretty marketing and egotistical approach we see nowadays.

I believe that this is why I use a very similar approach with my students and clients. At the end of the day, if your teachings are purely from an esoteric space and so big that people get lost in the translation - you've lost. That's not to say that you don't teach that stuff - I am saying it's in the "how" you teach that stuff. I believe you need to keep it real, keep it relatable and practical - we do live on the Earth plane at this time after all - it needs to be related to how to improve this existence, or how to co-exist. And staying humble and real helps hugely.

Here's what I came to learn about this process:

  1. Creating and setting up a space to honour your time and connection to spirit generates energy.

  2. Practicing your practice at the same time every day generates energy.

  3. Knowing and understanding your own energy first is absolutely invaluable - because when another being enters your sacred space, you will know it immediately and there will be no doubt or second guessing yourself.

  4. It is all bout the intention you set. Remember -"you will journal your dreams every night"? Well this was the intention that was set - and guess what? I received a dream EVERY night!

  5. This method will certainly have you connecting with your spirit guides in no time at all.

  6. Best bit - you will know your spirit guides by the feeling first, because you will sense their energetic presence as they connect with you and it might only be a Nano second between when you feel them and when you see them.

  7. Now the truth is, that at the time, I did not realise that it was intention that I was working with, nor did I understand the power of this way of teaching. Now I do. There is no better teacher than lived experience and I've got plenty of that.

  8. Through the dream journal process, I had learned the difference between, my participating self, my self reflection self and my highest self and when I was working with or visiting my spirit guides.

I am sure that there are other ways to connect with your spirit guides and at the end of the day, it's up to you on how you choose to do that. For me, working in this manner, removed my ego, removed any doubt or second guessing, removed any confusion about "did I just make that up - was that real?", Practicing in this manner, removed me out of the way, which in turn enhanced my psychic ability and my connection to my spirit guides.

Your connection and your relationship with your guides is personal. It's not a cookie cutter, one size fits all kind of thing. Your guides will relate to you in a way that is easy for you to understand. Their messages and how they deliver them will be unique to you. Sure there will be many things that are universal and there will be many things that will be purely for your eyes and ears only. Pretty much like any loving and respectful relationship really.

So go connect with your guides. Practice the practice. The only way is through.

Want to know more? Want some real and practical ways of working with your higher self and your guides?

Connect with me - let's do this!


Love Life Big

Big love

Lu xo

Lulu's Blog

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