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Free Tarot Basics

The Four Suits


Fire represents the fundamental energy of things, the vitality we have, the action we take and the movement of life. This is all represented in the suit of Wands.


Wands refer to action and doing. Things such as work, career, travel, energy flow, movement and inspiration. The wands can also speak of our passions. They can bring awareness to our intentions and our manifestations.




Air represents the mental level of life. Intellect, reasoning and logic. It is represented by the suit of Swords.


Swords refer to power of thoughts. rationality and the intellect. Swords are known as the "bad news" suit, due to the messages of strife and conflict that is often bought into awareness by the images on the cards. The swords also speak of how we communicate. So when you are working with the swords, take note of the angle of the sword as this will give clues as to the type of communications taking place. Swords can also advise of surgery, or the cutting away of ideas, thoughts, people and places; eg. severing relationships. Swords are swift and fast. Move with the speed of a thought.




Water represents the emotional and the creative/intuitive level of life. It is represented in the suit of Cups.


Cups refer to the emotional life, relationships, feelings and creativity. When noticing water on a card, take into account how that water is being presented. It is flowing gently? Are there some waves to be aware of? Or is it sitting stagnant? Is the lack of water being bought into your awareness. Water is represented in three stages: flowing, frozen or vapour. How does the water feel when you are looking upon it. What is it reflecting back to you?





Earth represents the physical level, our physical world and all that it represents including the body. It is represented by the suit of Pentacles.


Pentacles refer to matters of money, finances, wealth and banking, material possessions and to the physical body. All things tangible - things we can touch. Pentacles also represent Mother Nature and all she contains. So in the pentacles we can get a feel for natural therapies and body movement like yoga. We also get to see people as the Naturopaths as well as the Bank Jonnies.

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