Free Tarot Basics
Structure of Suits
The Court Cards

Kings and Queens represent mature men and women.
Knights represent young men, and Pages young women or children.
The court cards can also represent the nature of someone eg. a King of Swords could represent a strong-minded woman.
The court cards can also allow you some insight into the physical appearance of someone - Wands represent fair haired, fair skin and light eyes. Cups represent light brown to medium brown hair, with slightly darker skin. Swords represent those who are dark haired, dark eyed, while Pentacles represent the darker skin and black hair.
The Pip Cards

This section deals with the cards numbered from 2 - 10. These cards deal with the everyday issues of life - the finer details of what is happening in and around us, our ups and downs. They can indicate past, present and future obstacles, challenges or opportunities along with any potential fears to be faced.
These cards can provide great insight and help with daily decision making.
The Aces

The Ace of Cups brings its strength to the area of emotion and creativity. In a reading, it stands for new creative projects. This will often take the form of falling in love and starting a new relationship. Even where this an established relationship, it can often act as a channel for a new influx or creativity. This card can represent the news of birth, the energies or friendship and family, deep commitment, happiness and connection to life, as well as advising of incoming spiritual and/or intuitive energies, engagement, weddings and pregnancy. If health has been of concern the Ace of Cups indicates a return to good health, or a positive outcome.
The Ace of Swords speaks of attitude, intellect, new ideas, breakthroughs, legalities, stress and conflict as well as support and efforts to learn/study - whether for student or teacher. The Ace of Swords can represent the severing of an area of your life that is no longer serving you. It can also represent someone who has a sharp tongue. This card can remind you to look after your spine or that you may be having or hearing about someone having surgery. As a characteristic, the Ace of Swords stands for single mindedness and strength of purpose. We can achieve anything when we are devoted to a single goal. Its blade cuts away the old and makes way for the new attitudes and new ways of thinking and this allows for continued growth.
The Ace of Wands is about pure or new action, travel, work and that of career. In a reading, the Ace of Wands represents a change in work, a new job or promotion. A decisive move towards doing something that more accurately reflects one's nature an unique character. The Ace is about good news on its way, a thumbs up, or go-ahead. It can also indicate a move such as a change of residence.
The Ace of Pentacles has to do with the material and worldly possessions. It speaks of abundance, promotion, wealth, financial status, banking, windfalls, inheritance, investments and savings. This card also represents health and the care of the physical body. Its combination of new beginnings with the physical, health and monetary realms covers a wide range of events. An improvement in financial status, or a change of home, are potential meanings, depending on other cards around it. In a question of health it would be a strong positive indication.